Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Brand New Nielson

Good news world...we're having a baby! For those of you who don't know we are finally expecting a baby. The doctor thought there was a chance that we were having twins so Autumn had an early ultrasound today. He or she is 2.5 cm long and has a great little heartbeat. The due date is November 24. Grandparents...start your spoiling!


Craig said...

I'm already preparing for baby's arrival--hope it's nothing like the movie I rented: "Baby."

Seth Ollerton said...

Yayyy Nielsons! We are really excited for the both of you. Abbie should be having her's any minute now. Keep the updates coming.

tiffy girl said...

salutations and congratulations, and please for the love of all things holy enjoy the next 9 months of quiet

carilarkins said...

When are you going to start taking wagers on gender? My guess is a girl. I just bought her the cutest pair of shoes today so I hope I didn't jinx that idea. What exactly is Craig doing to prepare for the baby's arrival?

Alaina said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you, parenthood is the best and I know you will be great. Congrats again!

Raquel said...


The Kroebers said...

Wahoo, that is very exciting. Congrats. We missed you guys on Saturday. Heather

Katie Smith - I Want to be a Super Teacher said...

A very belated congrats from the Smiths!

CRH said...

Chris! Autumn! You guys have been very kind. I'm home now, and things ain't easy but I'll be OK. YOU GUYS ARE HAVING A BABY!!! Now than't cool! I might even play my guitar (once I can use my left hand) just to celebrate! Congratulations!