Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Throwing my hands up

I love being a mom. And I love that Chris works really hard so I can be home. That being said, Maren is stubborn to my breaking point. Everything with her is a long, drawn-out battle (getting dressed, getting undressed, eating, leaving the house, coming home, sleeping) which I frequently lose! One doctor called her "high need" and it wasn't even an appointment for Maren. I'm even starting to get "looks" from other moms (screw them for judging!). Sometimes when I am feeling at the end of my rope, I remember she is her own little person. She is sweet and loves to cuddle and give hugs. She can say an entire prayer all by herself. She is super smart and mostly speaks in full sentences, even if most of those sentences are "No, I'm not" and "No, I don't." She is creative. She has her dad's sense of humor. She is tall, delicate and beautiful. She remembers to say please, thank you, sorry and excuse me most of the time. She is energetic and coordinated. I love every part of her dearly. I'm just hoping that her headstrong personality will come in handy when she starts dating. I also wish she would wear the adorable H&M shirt I just bought.

I also had to share with you these little cars and accessories we found today at the thrift store.


Jen Bird said...

Girls are SOO much drama!!! :) I swear they are just trying to figure out all the rules and see what happens when they push them...all the time! She is so grown up!! It's fun to see what you guys are up to!

Seth Ollerton said...

I am laughing at your post because I know Abbie and I have felt, and currently feel, the same way. You are in the same boat as every other parent in the history of the world. I'm sure nobody is judging or even looking for that matter. Maren is a cute one.