Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Greatest Show on Earth

Can you believe this weather?  It can't last too much longer, but we love it!  We saw the supermoon lunar eclipse Sunday night (Maren prefers "blood moon") and it was amazing.  I finished my first shirt...I used Grainline Studio's Lark Tee pattern.  The shirt was a decent first draft and I even wore it to church.  I used a denim which doesn't have very good drape, so I'm searching for different fabric for number two.

The hospital gave me tickets to the circus last week, and it was pretty exciting.  I took Maren and we got to meet the elephants before the show.  We saw all the amazing tricks...painting, soccer, baseball.  Really cute stuff.  I think I loved the poodle act the best, but the whole thing was pretty amazing.  Kate is fat and happy.  She's almost 27 lbs!  She's still not walking, but she's an amazing bum scooter.    She has a physical therapist coming next week, so I hope we see more progress in the near future.  I'm not going to be able to lug that big girl around much longer.

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