Friday, October 22, 2010

Life in the East

I almost forgot you existed, Mr. Blog. We have been so busy moving our life to the East and working hard to get settled that blogging has been my last priority. We are finally starting to feel straightened out and I am beginning to think I can find my way around. Christian is busy with work and travels Monday through Thursday or Friday. I don't think I will ever get used to the idea and he isn't fond of being away so much, but is learning oodles about the business. And on the plus side, he is getting crazy sky miles. He was pestering me the other day to start blogging again so he can stay a little more updated during the week. (Which will explain my sudden surge in future postings.) Maren is almost two!!! YIKES! She had her first haircut last week and sat perfectly still the whole time. She is a little energizer bunny and spends her days wearing me out. It is a cute age and she is really fun to hang out with. It is a blessing to stay home with her.

1 comment:

Seth Ollerton said...

Yay! I knew you guys were still alive. It's good to see some updates on your happenings in the East. You guys look like you're doing well. Keep the posts coming.