Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pretty things

We are moving...again. But on the bright side, when I open those boxes with all my "pretty things" (especially if they have been packed away for a while) it feels like Christmas morning. Over the years, I have collected a few things I really love, that make a house a home no matter where we are living or how temporary. I have always loved seeing how other people decorate their homes, so here are a few corners of mine.
Little Maren's room...changes as quickly as she does. I like things to be a little mismatched.
We just got this dollhouse/bookshelf. I have been wanting one for her room for some time now (I've had her books in piles by her bed and in her closet). Trying to decide what color to paint it (Maren wants pink, or course). It doesn't exactly look like this or this or this , but I got it for $15 at Michaels so I'm not complaining and Maren doesn't seem to mind, either. (And the only "doll" furniture we at have at this point is a little calico critter's patio set.)

Our bedroom (with my winter quilt). The only new piece of furniture we had when we where first married was this bed and it is still as soft and cozy as it was 9 years ago. I found the little yellow table a few years ago and I love it more now than I did when I bought it.

Doily love. I found this photo in a Blueprint mag (which was discontinued) and copied the idea.

Quilts. Can never have enough.
Pottery I made...and the only piece I kept.
New lamp shade I found over Christmas. I was looking for something similar to this, but didn't want to pay $128. Pretty happy with what I got.
The yellow desk.
My tea kettle gets used everyday.
I love, love, love glass jars and would have everything in my pantry contained in jars if possible (for example).
Dining room table/sewing table/craft table/Chris's weekend desk...
Little glass bowls are one of my true joys in this life.

My prettiest little thing.


Jen Bird said...

I love all your 'pretty things'! I love a lot of the same things! :) There's something about glass!

Liz R. said...

fun post!